Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Name meaning - background story

Her second name comes from her Grand Father. He was a famous bowman that patrolled the walls of the Imperial City. During a festival, a competition was held to see who could shoot an arrow the farthest from the city walls. Many attempted and it was quite an event but it was Valeria’s grandfather’s practiced arm that was able to have the winning shot with a convincing win over the nearest competitor.

The Emperor himself was watching and enjoyed the competition, especially seeing it was one of his own city guards that had won.

The prize was a handsome payout of 500 gold and the Emperor bestowed a new name that would be passed onto all descendants of the victor. The name was of course Arquebus which in old Imperial language roughly translates to “Long Shot” or “Far Shot”.

For this reason, Valeria will favour bow above all else. It’s in her family’s blood.

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